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STUDY 1998 HTM file
Changing attitudes and beliefs of staff working in methadone maintenance programs

In Sydney in Australia an official campaign and educational efforts had the desired effect of shifting staff attitudes in methadone maintenance clinics away from achieving abstinence and withdrawal and towards long-term treatment aimed at reducing harm.

STUDY 1996 HTM file
Alternatives to non-clinical regulation: training doctors to deliver methadone maintenance treatment

Seminal study of how to train out socially derived attitudes to methadone maintenance as a policy solution to a social problem and train in attitudes which place it within mainstream medical practice as a treatment of individuals which does not 'fix' their problems but offers the opportunity for positive change.

STUDY 1995 HTM file
Lessons from a training programme for methadone prescribers

Seminal study of how to train out socially derived attitudes to methadone maintenance as a policy solution to a social problem and train in attitudes which place it within mainstream medical practice as a treatment of individuals which does not 'fix' their problems but offers the opportunity for positive change.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Applying positive psychology to alcohol-misusing adolescents: a group intervention

Conducted in England, this first study to test positive psychology approaches focused on strengths and wellbeing in the treatment of substance use problems found that a small group of young drinkers and drug users responded well, with substantial remission in alcohol dependence despite the non-substance focus of the group therapy.

REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Review of the application of positive psychology to substance use, addiction, and recovery research

The contemporary recovery movement in addictions and the positive psychology movement in the broader field of psychological health have recently grown in prominence but almost entirely in parallel streams, yet the overlaps and possible synergies between them suggest that an integration could be a step forward in recovery from addiction.

DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Will intensive testing and sanctions displace treatment?

Enforce frequent drug or alcohol testing and levy swift, certain and meaningful sanctions for substance use, and many dependent users stop using without treatment. Is this increasingly how problem use will be dealt with, or just a niche option applicable to users over whom society can exert sufficient leverage?

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Naltrexone implants after in-patient treatment for opioid dependence: randomised controlled trial

In the first randomised trial, implants which block opiate-type drugs for months helped heroin addicts in Norway avoid relapse after detoxification. If these or allied products gain a UK licence, they could help pave the way to abstinence for the minority of suitable addicts.

DOCUMENT 2011 HTM file
Scottish Drugs Strategy Delivery Commission: first year report & recommendations to minister

In its first report an independent body established by the Scottish government to monitor its drug strategy has called for concrete evidence that recovery from addiction is being pursued and achieved at national and local levels.

STUDY 2012 HTM file
Estimating the crime reduction benefits of drug treatment and recovery

England's National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse calculates the crime reduction dividend for society arising from effective addiction treatment at billions of pounds, meaning that any cuts in funding would be more than wiped out by the costs of increased crime.

DOCUMENT 2011 HTM file
Drug treatment and recovery in 2010–11

England's National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse argues that the efforts of users, workers and service providers to put recovery at the heart of treatment are paying off in the form of more drug dependent patients successfully completing and leaving treatment and not having to return after relapse.

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