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STUDY 1997 HTM file
Performance contracting for substance abuse treatment

This US study finds that performance contracting may be associated with improvements in service utilisation and treatment outcomes, but does not appear to increase engagement with under-served populations.

Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell D5: Organisational functioning; Safeguarding the community

Key studies on organisational influences on alcohol treatment where the main aim or a major outcome is to reduce crime or otherwise safeguard the community. In the context of a market which drives treatment organisations to expand, asks, “Is small beautiful?”, explores the implications of focusing treatment on the family rather than the patient, and finds signs that control responsibilities can undermine therapeutic quality.

DOCUMENT 2010 HTM file
Alcohol in our lives: curbing the harm

Extensive policy report from New Zealand accepts evidence that alcohol-related harm is best reduced by population level measures, including raising prices, licensing reform with harm reduction as its prime objective, and restricting the availability of alcohol through reduced opening hours, age limits and curbs on promotion.

REVIEW 2019 HTM file
Family-based prevention programmes for alcohol use in young people

Findings of this comprehensive review seem to almost entirely deflate what in the mid-2000s was a bubble of enthusiasm for parental programmes as a way to prevent or reduce drinking among teenagers – but despite this overall verdict, some interventions have had remarkable results.

STUDY 2011 HTM file
Efficacy of brief motivational intervention in reducing binge drinking in young men: a randomized controlled trial

Binge drinkers among young Swiss men being conscripted in to the army responded to around 16 minutes of alcohol advice by on average cutting their intake 20% more than recruits whose drinking was simply assessed, a rare demonstration of the impact of a brief intervention in an unselected population.

REVIEW 2010 HTM file
A review of motivational interviewing-based interventions targeting problematic drinking among college students

Studies published in the mid-2000s confirm that counselling based on motivational interviewing helps heavy drinking US college students control their drinking and reduce related problems.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Web-based alcohol prevention for incoming college students: a randomized controlled trial

Study at a US college which required new students to complete a short web-based alcohol education/prevention programme shows that such programmes really can start students off on a healthier drinking trajectory.

REVIEW 2015 HTM file
Effects of 21st birthday brief interventions on college student celebratory drinking: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Randomised trials of brief interventions sent by email or letter to moderate 21st birthday drinking by US college students collectively failed to show consequent reductions in amounts drunk at these events, though they may have modestly reduced risks by lowering peak blood alcohol levels.

REVIEW 2016 HTM file
A rapid evidence review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of alcohol control policies: an English perspective

An ambitious attempt to use research to understand the most effective and cost-effective set of policies for reducing alcohol-related harm in the English context, from taxation and price regulation to managing the drinking environment.

IN PRACTICE 2005 PDF file 1242Kb
Wet day centres in Britain part 1: planning and setting up

Solid guidance based on a detailed analysis of UK centres offering street drinkers a place where they can start to reverse years of deterioration without having first to stop drinking. In this extraordinarily difficult task, good planning is key.

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