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DOCUMENT 2010 HTM file
Drug Strategy 2010. Reducing Demand, Restricting Supply, Building Recovery: Supporting People to Live a Drug Free Life

2010 English national drug strategy: "A fundamental difference [from] those that have gone before is that instead of focusing primarily on reducing the harms caused by drug misuse, [we will] go much further and offer every support for people to choose recovery as an achievable way out of dependency."

DOCUMENT 2018 HTM file
Rights, Respect and Recovery: Scotland’s strategy to improve health by preventing and reducing alcohol and drug use, harm and related deaths

Taking a public health and human rights-based approach, the 2018 strategy from Scotland strives to improve citizens’ lives by preventing and reducing the harms of drinking and drug use.

DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Quality standard for drug use disorders

Official UK quality standards on the treatment of adults for problems related to the use of illegal drugs, intended be used to plan and deliver services to provide the best possible care.

DOCUMENT 2017 HTM file
Commissioning impact on drug treatment: The extent to which commissioning structures, the financial environment and wider changes to health and social welfare impact on drug misuse treatment and recovery

Based on research, financial data and stakeholder surveys and testimonies, the UK government’s official drug policy advisers warn that without significant efforts to protect investment and quality, in England “loss of funding will result in the dismantling of a drug misuse treatment system that has brought huge improvement to the lives of people with drug and alcohol problems”.

Drug Treatment Matrix cell E3: Treatment systems; Medical treatment

Seminal and key studies relating to local, regional and national systems for effectively and cost-effectively providing medical interventions and treatment in medical settings. Highlights a simple innovation which transformed detoxification recyclers into typical patients, asks if you agree with an expert group’s vision of what a good quality service looks like, and questions whether Britain is making progress on organising care for mentally ill problem drug users.

Drug Treatment Matrix cell E2: Treatment systems; Generic and cross-cutting issues

Seminal and key studies on local, regional and national systems for effectively and cost-effectively providing drug addiction treatment. Commentary focuses on payment-by-results funding mechanisms, crime-reduction as a justification for treatment, and ways to improve treatment systems, especially the core care planning process.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 114Kb
Harm reduction education successfully extended to illegal drugs

A small sample of Canadian schools generally endorsed the appropriateness of harm reduction education for older teenagers, and in the two which implemented the programme, substance use and related damage and risk were curbed compared to other local schools.

STUDY 2011 HTM file
Effects of a school-based prevention program on European adolescents' patterns of alcohol use

The largest European drug education trial ever conducted tested whether US-style social influence programmes would prove effective in Europe. Among the successes were the reductions in problem drinking documented in this report.

STUDY 2003 HTM file
Substances, adolescence (meta-analysis)

The most influential finding in drug education research – that interactive teaching methods have the greatest prevention impact – was confirmed by the featured report but later questioned by unpublished analyses using better statistical methods, an episode which has left concern and uncertainty in its wake.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Does successful school-based prevention of bullying influence substance use among 13- to 16-year-olds?

Intriguing suggestion from a Norwegian study that taking measures to effectively reduce bullying in schools (including improving the social climate and setting clear and consistently enforced boundaries) also curbs the development of forms of substance use most associated with disturbed child development.

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