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STUDY 2006 PDF file 114Kb
Harm reduction education successfully extended to illegal drugs
A small sample of Canadian schools generally endorsed the appropriateness of harm reduction education for older teenagers, and in the two which implemented the programme, substance use and related damage and risk were curbed compared to other local schools.
REVIEW 2009 HTM file
Refocusing drug-related law enforcement to address harms
'Target enforcement to reduce individual and community harm' is the premise of this report from a UK drug policy think tank, one which seems widely understood, though in some quarters, deeply contested.
REVIEW 2008 HTM file
Effective services for substance misuse and homelessness in Scotland: evidence from an international review
Comprehensive and thoughtful review of the UK-relevant literature warns that services which impose rigid and unrealistic expectations of abstinence or independent living on homeless addicts would deny treatment and housing to vulnerable adults with complex needs.
OFFCUT 2003 PDF file 259Kb
Leading Australian treatment centre distills its experience in to practical guides
The Turning Point Centre has to date produced nine manuals distilling its considerable research and practice experience on among other topics, psychosocial therapies, harm reduction, managing withdrawal, and aftercare.
STUDY 2009 HTM file
Methadone patients in the therapeutic community: a test of equivalency
Are therapeutic communities incompatible with methadone maintenance? Not when staff have been prepared to accept and work with methadone patients and programmes adapted to accommodate them. Then patients stay as long and sustain abstinence from illegal drug use just as well as other residents.
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